Thursday, July 25, 2013

Low Tech and Mid Tech Adaptations to Assist Students with Disabilities in Completing Math Assignments

In my previous blog, I focused on the educational applications used to teach math concepts, math skills, and problem solving. Today, I will discuss low and mid tech adaptations to assist students with disabilities in completing math assignments. I am very interested in the tools out there to help these students and am excited to learn more. Let's get started!

Low and Mid Tech Aids
Onion Mountain Technology offers assistive technology for students in special and regular education at reasonable prices. Please visit the site for greats kits and/or resources to aid students. 
Below is a list of a few of their low tech tools.
Fraction Rubber Stamps aid students with fine motor skills

Manipulative Number line aid students with learning disabilities

See and Solve calculators shoe the entire math problem on screen  & aid students with visual/spatial difficulties.

Coin Abacus aid students with learning and fine motor disabilities
Laminated Addition tables aid students with learning disabilities
Here are a few more:
-Special Ruler: transparent overlays to help students understand relationships between measurement.
-Large calculator for students with fine motor issues.
- Talking calculator assist student with visual impairments.

I hope these resources can help you in your classroom as I know I will keep them in mind for the future. I found the calculator that displayed the whole problem on the screen extremely beneficial.  The simple four-function calculator sets up the problem exactly as young students are taught to write it out. As they carry out addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems, the display window shows the entire problem, not just the last number entered. That's so cool! They run about $20 on Orion but I found a few on amazon for less than $10. It's a great tool for students just learning math or students with disabilities.

 Until Next Time!

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