Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Assistive Technology Implentation Resources

In my previous blog, I focused on integrating augmentative communications into the IEP and the importance of using them in the home and community. Today, I will discuss the assistive technology implementation resources.

 Provides training, information, technical assistance and resources regarding the uses of technology for children with disabilities. The website is was created for students in Oregon and sponsored by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE)  but these same strategies and resources maybe used for students with disabilities across the country. There were great resources on the website for teachers to use to assist their students using assistive technology. The Assistive Technology Implementation Plan helps teachers make decisions on the  right technology to use in the classroom. 

The teachers have student training questions to consider:
1.What will this student use the assistive technology device to do?
2. What specific  technology skills will the student need to learn?
3. How much training does the student require?
4. When will training be provided  to the child?
5. How will the child learn to use the device in customary environments?
6. What kind of direct supervision and help will need in order to use the device in a functional manner?

In previous blogs, I have discussed the different concepts to consider when deciding if assistive technology is important. Number 4, when will training be provided to the child is extremely important. Students need the training to use their devices and it is important to make sure the student fully understands how to use the device.

The University of Kentucky Assistive Technology Toolkit is based on years and years of research and provides a systematic method to deliver AT  services to students in schools. There are two major premises:

-1st goal in special education is to improve a student's ability to successfully function in schools, responding to the demands presented by the general curriculum and school environment and
-No technology and low technology solutions should be considered before the high technology solutions.

The toolkit is very similar to the CastToolkit. The same information is given along with many of the same resources. I found the data collection materials very useful and you can find them here. It involved What Do We Need to Know (goals of the assessment), Planned Activities/What We Did (dates, locations, strategies), and What We Found (including student perception,medical information, & optimal positioning). Please look at the site for more information and view the the video below for more information on Assistive Technology.

Until Next Time!


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