Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Using UDL to Teach Every Student!

I'm back again, supplying more information on UDL. In my last blog, I focused on the brains different networks and how these networks influence the way we learn. The emphasis of today's blog is still UDL but this time we will review how we use UDL to reach every student.

 On the website CAST Teaching Every Student, there are a lot of great resources and tools for teachers to use in the classroom. Before I speak on some of the great resources, I like to draw a quote directly from the site. It says "UDL is a framework that can help you turn the challenges posed by high standards and increasing learner diversity into opportunities to maximize learning for every student." When I read this statement, I was inspired by its genuine optimism and because of that it stuck out to me. In the classroom, there are many obstacles the teacher will face and it is the teachers job to educate students through the everyday obstacles of the classroom. Using UDL as an assistance to teach every student, just makes sense.

In using UDL as a  guide for practice, the site offered a UDL Class Profile Maker with a tutorial on how to use it appropriately. The Class Profile Maker tool supports teachers in creating a learning profile for the students in their class including the qualities, strengths, needs, and interests of each student. Once created, teachers may use this Profile as a reference when creating lessons to plan for a UDL classroom.

The case studies listed on CAST were extremely beneficial for me to read. I was able to see how teachers facing the same struggles I have in the classroom applied UDL into their classrooms. Some teachers lacked resources and others had classrooms filled with struggling readers and I enjoyed seeing how they use the framework of UDL. It made the concept very tangible for me and not just an abstract thought. I liked seeing the practice put to use. If you would like to see the practice in use, please view this video and let me know what you think. Until next time!

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